Dutch language

How to pronounce replacement in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms successor
Type of equal, match, peer, compeer
Type Words
Synonyms permutation, substitution, switch, transposition
Type of variation, fluctuation
Derivation replace

the replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor blood.
Type Words
Synonyms refilling, renewal, replenishment
Type of filling
Type Words
Synonyms replacing
Type of exchange, commutation, substitution
Has types pitching change, supersedure, supplanting, supersession, displacement, novation
Derivation replace
Type Words
Synonyms alternate, surrogate
Type of backup, backup man, fill-in, relief, reliever, stand-in, substitute
Derivation replace
Type Words
Synonyms substitute
Type of equivalent
Has types ersatz, succedaneum, successor
Derivation replace