Dutch language

How to pronounce register in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms registry
Type of written record, written account
Has types studbook, check register, cadaster, rent-roll, cadastre
Type Words
Synonyms cash register
Type of till, cashbox, money box
Type Words
Synonyms read, record, show
Type of indicate
Has types show, strike, say
Derivation registration
Type Words
Synonyms file
Has types trademark
Derivation registry
Type Words
Synonyms record

Did you register any change when I pressed the button?.
Type Words
Synonyms cross-file
Type of campaign, run
Has types slate
Type Words
Type of record
Has types inventory, accounting, accounting system, paysheet, payroll, method of accounting
Type Words
Type of airway, air duct, air passage
Type Words
Type of regulator
Type Words
Type of storage device, memory device
Has types index register, accumulator, counter, accumulator register, shift register
Type Words
Type of inscribe, enrol, enroll, recruit, enter

register for an election.
Type Words
Type of affect
Verb group record

Did this event register in your parents' minds?.
Type Words
Type of play
Derivation registration
Type Words
Type of timbre, quality, timber, tone
Has types head voice, chest register, chest tone, chest voice, head register, head tone
Type Words
Type of put down, record, enter
Has types book, file, enrol, recruit, enroll, enter, patent, list, inscribe
Derivation registry, registration, registrant
Type Words
Type of mail, post, send

I'd like to register this letter.
Type Words
Type of show, show up
Verb group record

Her surprise did not register.