Dutch language

How to pronounce refer in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bear on, come to, concern, have to do with, pertain, relate, touch, touch on
Has types interest, hold, go for, apply, affect, revolve about, center, center on, regard, matter to, concentrate on, involve, focus on, revolve around
Verb group advert, allude, touch
Derivation reference

There were lots of questions referring to her talk.
Type Words
Synonyms consult, look up
Type of research
Derivation reference

refer to your notes.
Type Words
Synonyms denote
Type of mean, intend, signify, stand for
Has types return, apply, come back, convolute, euphemise, euphemize, express, hark back, identify, name, pervert, recall, slur, sophisticate, state, twist, twist around
Verb group denote
Derivation reference
Type Words
Synonyms advert, bring up, cite, mention, name
Type of mean, have in mind, think of
Has types raise, commend, namedrop, touch on, quote, remember, cite, bring up, appeal, dredge up, drag up, speak of the devil, invoke, cross-refer
Derivation reference
Type Words
Type of direct, send
Has types submit, recommit
Derivation referee, reference, referral

refer a patient to a specialist.
refer a bill to a committee.
Type Words
Type of class, assort, sort, separate, sort out, classify
Derivation reference

This plant can be referred to a known species.
Type Words
Type of name, call, be known as, know as

Christians refer to the mother of Jesus as the Virgin Mary.