Dutch language

How to pronounce reel in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms virginia reel
Type of longways, longways dance
Type Words
Synonyms gyrate, spin, spin around, whirl
Type of go around, rotate, revolve
Has types whirligig
Type Words
Synonyms scottish reel
Type of square dancing, square dance
Has types eightsome, highland fling
Type Words
Synonyms careen, keel, lurch, stagger, swag
Type of walk
Derivation reeler
Type Words
Synonyms bobbin, spool
Type of winder
Has types shuttle, filature
Type Words
Type of film, photographic film
Type Words
Type of dance music
Type Words
Type of winder
Type Words
Type of wrap, roll, twine, wind
Has types reel off, unreel