Dutch language

How to pronounce raise in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms arouse, elicit, enkindle, evoke, fire, kindle, provoke
Type of create, make
Has types invite, wound, whelm, wake, upset, anger, untune, touch a chord, ask for, sweep over, strike a chord, bruise, stir up, stir, stimulate, spite, shame, shake up, shake, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, draw, rekindle, prick, excite, fire up, overwhelm, overtake, overpower, overcome, heat, offend, hurt, ignite, infatuate, inflame, injure, interest

raise a smile.
Type Words
Synonyms arouse, bring up, call down, call forth, conjure, conjure up, evoke, invoke, put forward, stir
Type of call up, summon
Has types anathemize, anathemise, imprecate, maledict, damn, curse, bless, beshrew, bedamn
Verb group kick up, provoke, evoke, call forth

raise the specter of unemployment.
Type Words
Synonyms resurrect, upraise
Type of revive, resuscitate
Verb group uprise, rise, resurrect

raise from the dead.
Type Words
Synonyms heave, lift
Type of actuation, propulsion

fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up.
Type Words
Synonyms leaven, prove
Type of get up, bring up, lift, elevate
Type Words
Synonyms lift
Type of improve, meliorate, better, amend, ameliorate
Type Words
Synonyms levy, recruit
Type of enlist, draft, muster in

raise an army.
Type Words
Synonyms hike, rise, salary increase, wage hike, wage increase
Type of increment, increase

he got a 3% raise.
Type Words
Synonyms advance, elevate, kick upstairs, promote, upgrade
Type of assign, designate, depute, delegate
Has types entitle, ennoble, tenure, brevet, bring up, gentle, favour, favor, prefer, spot promote
Type Words
Synonyms acclivity, ascent, climb, rise, upgrade
Type of incline, slope, side
Has types uphill
Type Words
Synonyms lift
Type of end, terminate

raise a siege.
Type Words
Synonyms bring up
Type of cite, bring up, name, mention, refer, advert

raise the question of promotions.
Type Words
Synonyms bring up, elevate, get up, lift
Type of move, displace
Has types trice up, hike, rear, hike up, run up, hoist, wind, lift up, chin up, shoulder, skid, lift, chin, boost, levitate, leaven, trice, get up, underlay, jack, kick up, jack up, pick up, pinnacle, gather up, erect, prove, pump, heighten
Type Words
Synonyms lift
Type of move, displace
Derivation raising
Type Words
Synonyms enhance, heighten
Type of intensify, deepen, compound, heighten
Has types potentiate
Type Words
Synonyms farm, grow, produce
Type of cultivate
Has types carry, overproduce, keep
Derivation raiser

We raise hogs here.
Type Words
Synonyms erect, put up, rear, set up
Type of make, build, construct
Type Words
Synonyms elevate, lift
Type of change, modify, alter
Has types dignify, exalt
Type Words
Synonyms bring up, nurture, parent, rear
Has types foster, fledge, cradle
Derivation raising

raise a family.
Type Words
Type of incite, stir up, instigate, set off

raise a mutiny.
Type Words
Type of bet, play, wager
Type Words
Type of bid, call
Derivation raiser
Type Words
Type of set off, bring out

raised edges.
Type Words
Type of give tongue to, express, verbalize, verbalise, utter
Has types call up, bring forward

raise a shout.
raise a protest.
raise a sad cry.
Type Words
Type of take in, collect
Has types fund-raise, fundraise, fund raise

The President raised several million dollars for his college.
Type Words
Type of create, make

raise hell.
raise the roof.
raise Cain.
Type Words
Type of get hold of, contact, get through, reach

They managed to raise Hanoi last night.
Type Words
Type of gamble
Has types double, doubling

I'll see your raise and double it.
Type Words
Type of multiply
Type Words
Type of pronounce, articulate, sound out, say, enounce, enunciate

raise your `o'.
Type Words
Type of increase
Has types bump up

raise my salary.
raise the price of bread.