Dutch language

How to pronounce put out in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms smother
Type of extinguish, snuff out
Type Words
Synonyms douse
Type of quench, blow out, extinguish, snuff out
Type Words
Synonyms exsert, extend, hold out, stretch forth, stretch out
Type of motion, gesture, gesticulate
Has types hyperextend
Type Words
Synonyms bring out, issue, publish, release
Type of publicise, bare, publicize, air
Has types edit
Type Words
Synonyms retire
Type of toy, fiddle, play, diddle
Derivation putout
Type Words
Synonyms bother, discommode, disoblige, incommode, inconvenience, trouble
Type of affect, bear on, touch on, impact, bear upon, touch
Has types distress, straiten
Type Words
Synonyms anaesthetise, anaesthetize, anesthetise, anesthetize, put under
Type of dose, drug
Has types etherise, block, chloroform, cocainise, cocainize, freeze, etherize
Type Words
Type of be

She is supposed to put out.
Type Words
Type of create, make, produce

He put out the same for seven managers.
Type Words
Type of play
Derivation putout

he was put out at third base on a long throw from left field.