Dutch language

How to pronounce profit in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms earnings, lucre, net, net income, net profit, profits
Type of income
Has types killing, accumulation, margin, gross profit, gross profit margin, windfall profit, quick buck, markup, cleanup, dividend, earning per share, fast buck, filthy lucre
Derivation profiteer
Type Words
Synonyms turn a profit
Type of earn, take in, pull in, make, gain, bring in, realise, realize, clear
Has types turn a nice dime, clean up, line one's pockets, turn a nice dollar, turn a nice penny

The company has not profited from the merger.
Type Words
Synonyms benefit, gain
Type of acquire, get
Has types net, capitalise, capitalize, cash in on, clear, profiteer, pyramid, sack, sack up, take advantage

She profited from his vast experience.
Type Words
Synonyms gain
Type of advantage, vantage
Has types gainfulness, lucrativeness, account, profitability, profitableness