Dutch language

How to pronounce product in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms cartesian product, intersection
Type of set
Type Words
Synonyms production
Type of creation
Has types book, brainchild, by-product, byproduct, deliverable, end product, film, flick, fruit, inspiration, job, magazine, motion-picture show, motion picture, movie, moving-picture show, moving picture, newspaper, output, outturn, paper, pic, picture, picture show, piece of work, spin-off, turnery, turnout, volume, work, yield
Derivation produce

they improve their product every year.
they export most of their agricultural production.
Type Words
Synonyms merchandise, ware
Type of good, commodity, trade good
Has types software package, software product, yard goods, payload, stock, top of the line, piece goods, feature, business line, dreck, product line, freight, release, schlock, second, shipment, number, shlock, line of merchandise, line of products, load, loading, cargo, generic, contraband, refill, inventory, ironmongery, irregular, consignment, lading, line, line of business
Derivation produce

that store offers a variety of products.
Type Words
Synonyms mathematical product
Type of quantity
Has types factorial, multiple

the product of 2 and 3 is 6.
Type Words
Type of chemical, chemical substance
Has types filtrate, hydrolysate

a product of lime and nitric acid.
Type Words
Type of event, outcome, consequence, issue, upshot, effect, result
Derivation produce

skill is the product of hours of practice.
his reaction was the product of hunger and fatigue.