Dutch language

How to pronounce process in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms appendage, outgrowth
Type of body part
Has types mastoid process, acrosome, caruncle, caruncula, cecal appendage, tuberosity, zygomatic process, cirrus, tubercle, trochanter, villus, aculea, condyle, coronoid process, crest, transverse process, tentacle, tail, styloid process, style, spine, spiculum, ala, alveolar arch, spicule, alveolar process, eminence, enation, epicondyle, excrescence, pseudopod, vermiform appendix, plant process, papilla, osteophyte, olecranon process, olecranon, odontoid process, metaphysis, mastoidal, mastoid, mastoid bone, processus coronoideus, alveolar ridge, apophysis, fetlock, fimbria, appendix, flagellum, arista, acromial process, vermiform process, acromion, ridge, gum ridge, hair, pterygoid process, horn, pseudopodium

a bony process.
Type Words
Synonyms summons
Type of writ, judicial writ
Has types monition, process of monition, ticket, citation
Type Words
Synonyms work, work on
Type of transmute, transform, transubstantiate
Has types rework, retread, rack, cold work, coldwork, overwork, hot-work, make over, tool, till
Verb group form, work, forge, mold, mould, shape

process iron.
Type Words
Synonyms serve, swear out
Type of deliver
Has types wash, subpoena, rinse

He was processed by the sheriff.
Type Words
Synonyms physical process
Type of physical entity
Has types photography, shaping, execution, evolution, encapsulation, economic process, devolution, development, degeneration, defining, decrement, decrease, dealignment, chelation, variation, biological process, activity, action, natural action, loop, looping, natural process, operation, organic process, iteration, irreversible process, instruction execution, performance, phenomenon, industrial process, processing, increment, increase, human process, reversible process, growth, functioning, sensitisation, sensitization

events now in process.
the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls.
Type Words
Synonyms action, litigate, sue
Type of challenge
Has types expedite
Verb group litigate

He was warned that the district attorney would process him.
Type Words
Synonyms march
Type of walk
Has types march out, goose step, troop, promenade, parade, countermarch, debouch, file

They processed into the dining room.
Type Words
Synonyms procedure
Type of activity
Has types rigamarole, bertillon system, calculation, chromosome mapping, computation, computing, condition, diagnostic procedure, diagnostic technique, emergency procedure, experimental condition, experimental procedure, fingerprinting, formula, genetic fingerprinting, genetic profiling, indirection, mapping, medical procedure, modus operandi, operating procedure, rigmarole, routine, rule, stiffening

it was a process of trial and error.
Type Words
Synonyms cognitive operation, cognitive process, mental process, operation
Type of cognition, noesis, knowledge
Has types basic cognitive process, higher cognitive process

the process of thinking.
Type Words
Synonyms unconscious process
Type of cognition, noesis, knowledge
Has types defence, defence mechanism, defence reaction, defense, somniloquy, defense mechanism, somniloquism, defense reaction, sleep talking, condensation

the process of denial.
Type Words
Synonyms treat
Type of touch, touch on, bear upon, bear on, impact, affect
Has types malt, digest, curry, mercerise, mercerize, aerate, nitrate, nitrify, nitrogenise, nitrogenize, creosote, oxygenate, oxygenise, oxygenize, chrome, chlorinate, propagate, carboxylate, ray, carbonate, refine, camphorate, reverberate, brominate, bromate, run, scald, seed, vulcanize, bituminize, sulfur, sulphur, tank, bituminise, beneficiate, ammoniate, air-condition, agenize, agenise, vulcanise, fumigate, fume, fluoridise, fluoridize, iodise, iodize, irradiate, fluoridate, dose
Derivation processing, processor

process cheese.
process hair.
Type Words
Type of care, deal, handle, manage
Derivation processing

process a loan.
process the applicants.
Type Words
Type of calculate, compute, work out, reckon, cypher, figure, cipher
Derivation processor

The results of the elections were still being processed when he gave his acceptance speech.