Dutch language

How to pronounce pretend in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms act, dissemble
Has types sham, feign, assume, simulate
Verb group act, do, behave
Derivation pretender
Type Words
Synonyms make-believe
Type of simulation, pretence, feigning, pretending, pretense

it was just pretend.
Type Words
Synonyms make, make believe
Type of act, represent, play
Has types go through the motions
Verb group dissemble, affect, sham, feign
Type Words
Synonyms profess
Type of claim

She pretended not to have known the suicide bomber.
She pretends to be an expert on wine.
Type Words
Synonyms make-believe

dangling their legs in the water to catch pretend fish.
Type Words
Synonyms affect, dissemble, feign, sham
Type of misrepresent, belie
Has types take a dive, mouth, talk through one's hat, play possum, fake, bull, bullshit
Verb group make believe, make
Derivation pretender, pretending, pretense
Type Words
Synonyms guess, hazard, venture
Type of speculate
Has types foretell, anticipate, call, forebode, predict, prognosticate, promise, surmise, suspect

I cannot pretend to say that you are wrong.
Type Words
Type of arrogate, claim, lay claim
Derivation pretension, pretender, pretense

pretend the title of King.