Dutch language

How to pronounce preparation in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms planning, provision
Type of cerebration, intellection, mentation, thought, thinking, thought process
Has types agreement, mens rea, malice aforethought, premeditation, forethought, deliberation, calculation, arrangement, applecart
Type Words
Synonyms cookery, cooking
Type of change of state
Has types braising, stewing, boiling, broil, percolation, toasting, culinary art, cuisine, roasting, sauteing, simmering, browning, broiling, poaching, grilling, fusion cooking, frying, baking
Derivation prepare

he left the preparation of meals to his wife.
Type Words
Synonyms formulation
Type of compound, chemical compound
Has types smelling salts, nebula, starch, cleaner, cleanser, cleansing agent, glycerinated gelatin, polish

the physician prescribed a commercial preparation of the medicine.
Type Words
Synonyms grooming, training
Type of activity
Has types schooling, toilet training, practice session, exercise, practice, drill, military training, discipline, athletic training, recitation, skull session, retraining, skull practice
Derivation prepare
Type Words
Synonyms readying
Type of activity
Has types turnround, tune-up, fire control, priming, makeready, planning, warm-up, deployment, warm up, groundwork, turnaround, prolusion
Derivation prepare

preparations for the ceremony had begun.
Type Words
Synonyms preparedness, readiness
Type of state
Has types qui vive, alert, ready
Derivation prepare

their preparation was more than adequate.
Type Words
Synonyms homework, prep
Type of school assignment, schoolwork
Derivation prepare
Type Words
Type of musical harmony, harmony
Derivation prepare

the resolution of one dissonance is often the preparation for another dissonance.