Dutch language

How to pronounce praise in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms congratulations, extolment, kudos
Type of approval, commendation
Has types encomium, eulogium, eulogy, good word, paean, panegyric, pean, recommendation, testimonial, superlative, compliment

he always appreciated praise for his work.
Type Words
Type of measure, appraise, assess, evaluate, valuate, value
Has types salute, blandish, commend, compliment, congratulate, eulogise, eulogize, troll, exalt, extol, flatter, glorify, gush, laud, applaud, sonnet, proclaim, promote, puff, puff up, push, rave, recommend, advertise, advertize

The parents praised their children for their academic performance.
Type Words
Type of worship
Has types hallelujah

they sang a hymn of praise to God.