Dutch language

How to pronounce position in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms situation
Type of condition, status
Has types shoes, stymie, stymy, place, poverty trap, soup

the unpleasant situation (or position) of having to choose between two evils.
Type Words
Synonyms berth, billet, office, place, post, situation, spot
Type of line, line of work, job, occupation, business
Has types accountantship, bailiffship, prelacy, prefecture, preceptorship, precentorship, praetorship, overlordship, plum, pastorate, pastorship, peasanthood, baronetage, speakership, solicitorship, sinecure, hot seat, senatorship, seigniory, incumbency, inspectorship, instructorship, internship, seigneury, secretaryship, sainthood, judgeship, judicature, rulership, khanate, residency, regency, rectorship, rectorate, receivership, lectureship, rabbinate, public office, protectorship, legateship, legation, legislatorship, librarianship, professorship, lieutenancy, attorneyship, proctorship, proconsulship, proconsulate, priorship, principalship, primateship, magistracy, magistrature, presidentship, managership, manhood, presidency, marshalship, mastership, mayoralty, messiahship, academicianship, premiership, moderatorship, prelature, bishopry, cadetship, caliphate, captaincy, captainship, cardinalate, cardinalship, admiralty, ambassadorship, chair, chairmanship, chancellorship, chaplaincy, chaplainship, chieftaincy, chieftainship, apostleship, clerkship, womanhood, commandership, commandery, comptrollership, consulship, controllership, councillorship, councilorship, counsellorship, counselorship, curacy, curatorship, custodianship, wardership, wardenship, deanery, deanship, viziership, directorship, discipleship, viceroyship, editorship, vice-presidency, eldership, emirate, episcopate, trusteeship, tribuneship, treasurership, throne, thaneship, teachership, fatherhood, feudal lordship, apprenticeship, studentship, foremanship, stewardship, generalcy, generalship, associateship, governorship, headship
Type Words
Synonyms spatial relation
Type of relation
Has types elbow room, southernness, verticalness, outwardness, placement, arrangement, angular position, erectness, anteriority, gradient, centrality, coincidence, tilt, room, inwardness, lean, leaning, list, inclination, malposition, marginality, misplacement, way, northernness, occlusion, horizontality, posteriority, verticality, point of view, slope, slot, dead center, dead centre, externality, uprightness, direction

the position of the hands on the clock.
Type Words
Synonyms place
Type of point
Has types station, lie, front, left, rear, lead, landmark, right, juxtaposition, half-mast, vantage, stand, back, anomaly, pitch, half-staff, situation, pole position, polls, post, site, setting, pride of place, wing
Type Words
Synonyms posture, stance
Type of mental attitude, attitude
Has types standpoint, stand, hard line, viewpoint, point of view
Type Words
Synonyms side
Type of view, opinion
Type Words
Synonyms perspective, view
Type of orientation
Has types forefront, bird's eye view, vanguard, light, paradigm, world view, sight, weltanschauung, panoramic view, straddle, futurism, cutting edge
Type Words
Synonyms attitude, posture
Type of bodily property
Has types presentation, sprawl, sprawling, ballet position, missionary position, guard, ectopia, lotus position, tuck, decubitus, pose, stance, order arms, asana, lithotomy position, eversion
Type Words
Synonyms status
Type of state
Has types slot, echelon, dignity, command, bar sinister, caste, ordination, pedestal, par, bastardy, order, noblesse, nobility, nationality, lowness, lowliness, low status, legal status, left-handedness, rank, leadership, retirement, illegitimacy, holy order, election, social rank, social station, social status, high status, high profile, high ground, standing, footing, face, terms, toehold, equivalence, equation, equality

atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life.
Type Words
Synonyms military position
Type of point
Has types line, ground
Type Words
Synonyms lay, place, pose, put, set
Type of displace, move
Has types repose, appose, arrange, barrel, bed, bottle, bucket, butt, clap, cock, coffin, cram, deposit, dispose, docket, emplace, enclose, ensconce, fix, glycerolise, glycerolize, ground, imbricate, inclose, insert, instal, install, intersperse, introduce, jar, juxtapose, ladle, lay, lay over, lean, load, marshal, middle, misplace, nestle, parallelize, park, perch, pigeonhole, pile, pillow, place down, place upright, plant, poise, posit, postpose, prepose, put back, put down, put in, rack up, recess, recline, replace, reposition, rest, seat, seed, set, set down, set up, settle, settle down, shelve, ship, sign, siphon, sit, sit down, situate, snuggle, sow, space, stand, stand up, step, stick in, stratify, superimpose, superpose, tee, tee up, throw, thrust, trench, underlay, upend
Derivation positioner
Type Words
Synonyms emplacement, locating, location, placement, positioning
Type of activity
Has types apposition, fingering, set, superposition, intervention, implantation, orientation, planting, juxtaposition, interposition, repositioning, collocation, stratification
Derivation posit
Type Words
Synonyms place
Type of point, item
Has types preposition, postposition

moved from third to fifth position.
Type Words
Synonyms lieu, place, stead
Type of office, function, role, part
Has types behalf
Type Words
Type of put, place, pose, lay, set
Has types square, aim, orient, take, take aim, train, deploy, dress, line up, direct
Derivation positioning, positioner
Type Words
Type of role
Has types mid-on, back, catcher, center, center field, centerfield, cleanup, cleanup position, cleanup spot, first, first base, forward, goalie, goalkeeper, goaltender, guard, left field, leftfield, lineman, mid-off, mound, netkeeper, pitcher, right field, rightfield, second, second base, short, shortstop, third, third base

what position does he play?.
Type Words
Type of assumption
Derivation posit
Type Words
Type of point

the cars were in position.