Dutch language

How to pronounce portion in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms helping, serving
Type of small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity
Has types oyster, piece, parson's nose, drink, drumstick, thigh, pope's nose, libation, wing, white meat, round of drinks, second joint, medallion, slice, breast, round

his portion was larger than hers.
Type Words
Synonyms part, percentage, share
Type of assets
Has types way, ration, profit sharing, piece, allotment, allowance, slice, cut, interest, dispensation, dole, allocation, split, stake, tranche
Type Words
Synonyms part
Type of object, physical object
Has types component, butt, bulb, backbone, seat, section, segment, shank, limb, jetsam, peen, spine, hub, heel, stub, appendage, piece, toe, pressing, fraction, turnout, neck, upstage, cutout, constituent, bottleneck, foible, bit, element, upstairs, waist, forte, foredge, widening, fore edge, wreckage
Type Words
Synonyms parcel, share
Type of parcelling, parceling, assignation, apportionment, apportioning, allotment, allocation
Type Words
Synonyms dower, dowery, dowry
Type of gift
Type Words
Synonyms allot, assign
Type of allot, parcel out, mete out, deal, lot, deal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, shell out, dole out, administer
Has types allow, apportion, appropriate, earmark, reserve, allocate, set aside
Type Words
Synonyms circumstances, destiny, fate, fortune, lot, luck
Type of condition
Has types failure, bad luck, tough luck, good fortune, good luck, ill luck, providence, luckiness, misfortune

success that was her portion.
Type Words
Synonyms component, component part, constituent, part
Type of relation
Has types residuum, balance, base, basis, butt, detail, item, language unit, linguistic unit, member, particular, point, remainder, residual, residue, rest, subpart, substance, unit

I read a portion of the manuscript.