Dutch language

How to pronounce poppy in Dutch?

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Type of flower
Has types blue poppy, bocconia, california poppy, celandine, celandine poppy, chelidonium majus, corn poppy, creamcups, eschscholtzia californica, field poppy, flaming poppy, flanders poppy, wood poppy, western poppy, wind poppy, arctic poppy, golden cup, greater celandine, hunnemania fumariifolia, iceland poppy, macleaya cordata, meconopsis betonicifolia, meconopsis cambrica, mexican tulip poppy, opium poppy, oriental poppy, papaver alpinum, papaver argemone, papaver californicum, papaver heterophyllum, papaver nudicaule, papaver orientale, papaver rhoeas, papaver somniferum, platystemon californicus, plume poppy, prickly poppy, stylomecon heterophyllum, stylophorum diphyllum, swallow wort, swallowwort, welsh poppy