Dutch language

How to pronounce place in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms berth, billet, office, position, post, situation, spot
Type of job, line, business, line of work, occupation
Has types chairmanship, chancellorship, chaplaincy, chaplainship, chieftaincy, chieftainship, clerkship, commandership, commandery, comptrollership, consulship, controllership, councillorship, councilorship, counsellorship, counselorship, curacy, curatorship, custodianship, deanery, deanship, directorship, discipleship, editorship, eldership, emirate, instructorship, academicianship, accountantship, admiralty, ambassadorship, apostleship, apprenticeship, associateship, attorneyship, bailiffship, baronetage, bishopry, cadetship, caliphate, captaincy, captainship, cardinalate, cardinalship, chair, episcopate, fatherhood, feudal lordship, foremanship, generalcy, generalship, governorship, headship, hot seat, incumbency, inspectorship, internship, judgeship, judicature, khanate, lectureship, legateship, legation, legislatorship, librarianship, lieutenancy, magistracy, magistrature, managership, manhood, marshalship, mastership, mayoralty, messiahship, moderatorship, overlordship, pastorate, pastorship, peasanthood, plum, praetorship, precentorship, preceptorship, prefecture, prelacy, prelature, premiership, presidency, presidentship, primateship, principalship, priorship, proconsulate, proconsulship, proctorship, professorship, protectorship, public office, rabbinate, receivership, rectorate, rectorship, regency, residency, rulership, sainthood, secretaryship, seigneury, seigniory, senatorship, sinecure, solicitorship, speakership, stewardship, studentship, teachership, thaneship, throne, treasurership, tribuneship, trusteeship, vice-presidency, viceroyship, viziership, wardenship, wardership, womanhood
Type Words
Synonyms locate, site
Type of station, send, post
Derivation placement
Type Words
Synonyms spot, topographic point
Type of point
Has types junction, sanctum, high, hole-in-the-wall, peak, tomb, tip, end, place of birth, zone, nesting place, target area, target, polling place, polling station, summit, pool, birthplace, stop, mecca, grave, solitude, overlook, puddle, holy, scour, crest, crown, top, rendezvous, heights, showplace, service area, holy place, hiding place

this is a nice place for a picnic.
Type Words
Synonyms grade, order, range, rank, rate
Type of evaluate, judge, pass judgment
Has types reorder, prioritize, prioritise, subordinate, upgrade, superordinate, downgrade, shortlist, sequence, seed
Type Words
Synonyms position
Type of point
Has types vantage, station, stand, situation, site, setting, anomaly, right, back, rear, pride of place, post, polls, pole position, pitch, wing, front, half-mast, lie, left, lead, landmark, half-staff, juxtaposition

he put the lamp back in its place.
Type Words
Synonyms shoes
Type of situation, position

If you were in my place what would you do?.
Type Words
Synonyms post, send, station
Type of move, displace
Has types garrison, site, locate, fort
Type Words
Synonyms seat
Type of space
Has types perch

he sat in someone else's place.
Type Words
Synonyms identify
Type of determine, set
Has types differentiate, secernate, secern, tell apart, severalize, tell, severalise, separate, distinguish
Type Words
Synonyms home
Type of residence, abode
Has types home from home, home away from home

your place or mine?.
Type Words
Synonyms localise, localize
Type of situate, locate
Derivation placement
Type Words
Synonyms localise, localize, set
Type of present, represent, stage
Derivation placement
Type Words
Synonyms come in, come out
Type of rank
Type Words
Synonyms lay, pose, position, put, set
Type of displace, move
Has types ensconce, arrange, appose, sit, fix, siphon, put back, sign, glycerolise, glycerolize, ground, ship, situate, imbricate, inclose, insert, instal, install, intersperse, introduce, jar, superpose, shelve, juxtapose, ladle, lay, lay over, lean, settle down, load, settle, marshal, set up, underlay, trench, middle, misplace, snuggle, sow, space, set down, coffin, clap, deposit, butt, bucket, bottle, bed, dispose, docket, barrel, emplace, enclose, postpose, prepose, rack up, put in, stratify, upend, superimpose, put down, cock, cram, nestle, set, stand, thrust, throw, stand up, parallelize, seed, park, sit down, seat, step, perch, pigeonhole, pile, rest, pillow, tee up, reposition, place down, repose, place upright, tee, plant, stick in, replace, poise, posit, position, recline, recess
Derivation placement
Type Words
Synonyms piazza, plaza
Type of public square, square
Type Words
Synonyms commit, invest, put
Type of expend, spend, drop
Has types tie up, roll over, speculate, shelter, buy into, fund, job
Type Words
Synonyms station
Type of rank, social station, social rank, social status
Has types niche

he overstepped his place.
Type Words
Synonyms blank space, space
Type of expanse, area, surface area
Has types margin, indentation, indent, indenture, indention
Type Words
Synonyms property
Type of geographic area, geographic region, geographical area, geographical region
Has types boatyard, colony, sanctuary, centre, hatchery, center

who owns this place?.
Type Words
Synonyms put, set
Type of guess, approximate, judge, gauge, estimate
Type Words
Synonyms position
Type of item, point
Has types postposition, preposition

in the second place.
Type Words
Synonyms aim, direct, point, target
Type of train, take aim, take, aim, direct
Has types home in, address, range in, zero in
Type Words
Synonyms lieu, position, stead
Type of role, office, function, part
Has types behalf

took his place.
Type Words
Type of neighbourhood, neck of the woods, locality, vicinity, neighborhood

He comes from a place near Chicago.
Type Words
Type of knowledge, noesis, cognition
Has types level, layer, stratum

he has a special place in my thoughts.
a place in my heart.
a political system with no place for the less prominent groups.
Type Words
Type of designate, depute, assign, delegate
Type Words
Type of run, race

he bet $2 on number six to place.
Type Words
Type of designate, depute, assign, delegate

he was placed on probation.
Type Words
Type of status, condition

a woman's place is no longer in the kitchen.
Type Words
Type of sing
Type Words
Type of passage

he lost his place on the page.
Type Words
Type of order

place a phone call.
place a bet.