Dutch language

How to pronounce physical condition in Dutch?

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Synonyms physiological condition, physiological state
Type of status, condition
Has types acapnia, acathexia, addiction, agalactia, agalactosis, amyxia, anaesthesia, analgesia, anesthesia, anestrum, anestrus, angiotelectasia, anhidrosis, anhydrosis, anoestrum, anoestrus, arousal, asphyxia, blockage, bloodiness, cellularity, cold sweat, cryptobiosis, dependance, dependence, dependency, dilatation, disorder, distension, distention, drive, elastosis, emmetropia, estrus, false pregnancy, fecundity, fertility, flatulence, flatulency, flection, flexion, flexure, gas, gestation, good health, habituation, healthiness, heat, hypercapnia, hypercarbia, hyperpigmentation, hyperthermia, hyperthermy, hypocapnia, hypopigmentation, hypothermia, incompatibility, infertility, intoxication, maternity, muscularity, myasthenia, normothermia, obstruction, oestrus, oligospermia, oxygen debt, pathological state, poisoning, potence, potency, pregnancy, pseudocyesis, rigor mortis, rut, sedation, sleep, slumber, sopor, sterility, suspended animation, torpidity, torpor, toxic condition, upset, vitalisation, vitalization, abnormalcy, wakefulness, abnormality