Dutch language

How to pronounce pay in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms ante up, pay up
Has types liquidate, pay off
Derivation payment

pay up, please!.
Type Words
Synonyms devote, give
Type of cogitate, think, cerebrate
Verb group give, sacrifice

pay attention to.
Type Words
Synonyms give
Type of intercommunicate, communicate
Has types offer, extend

Don't pay him any mind.
pay attention.
Type Words
Synonyms compensate, make up, pay off
Type of settle
Derivation payee, payer

Does she pay you for the work you are doing?.
Type Words
Synonyms earnings, remuneration, salary, wage
Type of regular payment
Has types minimum wage, living wage, half-pay, sick pay, double time, merit pay, found, take-home pay, strike pay, pay packet, pay envelope, combat pay

he wasted his pay on drink.
Type Words
Synonyms bear, yield
Type of clear, realize, realise, make, bring in, pull in, take in, earn, gain
Has types net, clear, pay off

How much does this savings certificate pay annually?.
Type Words
Type of suffer, support, bear, tolerate, endure, brook, put up, abide, stick out, stomach, digest, stand
Has types take one's lumps, get one's lumps
Derivation payer

You'll pay for this!.
She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly.
You'll pay for this opinion later.
Type Words
Type of be

It pays to go through the trouble.
Type Words
Type of settle
Has types pay up, ante up
Derivation payment, payer

pay a debt.
pay an obligation.
Type Words
Type of give
Has types underpay, bribe, buy, charge, compensate, contribute, corrupt, defray, disburse, drop, expend, finance, foot, give back, go dutch, grease one's palms, indemnify, kick back, overpay, pay cash, pay off, pay out, pick, prefer, prepay, put up, recompense, redeem, refund, remit, remunerate, repair, repay, return, spend, subsidise, subsidize, tithe
Derivation payment, payee, payer
Type Words
Type of requite, repay
Verb group get, pay off, pay back, fix
Type Words
Type of make

pay a visit.
pay a call.