Dutch language

How to pronounce path in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms itinerary, route
Type of line
Has types line of march, main line, migration route, orbit, paper round, paper route, pattern, track, airway, approach pattern, beat, beeline, bus route, celestial orbit, circuit, crosscut, data track, direction, electron orbit, fairway, feeder line, flight path, flyway, line of fire, line of flight, round, skyway, supply line, supply route, air lane, trade route, traffic pattern, way
Type Words
Synonyms way, way of life
Type of course, course of action
Has types warpath, straight and narrow, strait and narrow, sunnah, primrose path, sunna, ambages, hadith

the path of virtue.
our paths in life led us apart.
genius usually follows a revolutionary path.
Type Words
Synonyms course, track
Type of line
Has types swath, inside track, belt, steps, collision course, trail, round

the hurricane demolished houses in its path.
Type Words
Type of way
Has types walk, crossing, towing path, towpath, walkway, pathway, bridle path, paseo, lane, footpath, crossover, crosswalk, bridle road