Dutch language

How to pronounce party in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms political party
Type of organization, organisation
Has types socialist labor party, gironde, free soil party, know-nothing party, kuomintang, labor party, labour party, liberal democrat party, liberal party, liberty party, federalist party, federal party, farmer-labor party, militant tendency, national socialist german workers' party, nazi party, dixiecrats, opposition, democratic party, democratic-republican party, people's party, populist party, progressive party, prohibition party, republican party, constitutional union party, conservative party, communist party, bull moose party, black panthers, social democratic party, guomindang, socialist party, states' rights democratic party, anti-masonic party, third party, american party, war party, american labor party, american federalist party, whig party, gop, green party, greenback party

in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level.
Type Words
Synonyms company
Type of band, set, circle, lot
Has types rescue party, war party, stretcher party, search party, fatigue party, landing party, party to the action, party to the transaction

they organized a party to search for food.
Type Words
Type of social affair, social gathering
Has types reception, dinner, dinner party, open house, mixer, masquerade party, masquerade, masque, mask, fete champetre, lawn party, housewarming, garden party, wedding party, hen party, wedding, stag party, soiree, social, sociable, smoker, slumber party, shower, shindy, shindig, reunion, dance

she joined the party after dinner.
Type Words
Type of affair, function, occasion, social function, social occasion
Has types jolly, brawl, ceilidh, cocktail party, fete, house party, whist drive, feast, tea party, bash, do, dance, bun-fight, bunfight, fiesta, birthday party

he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day.
Type Words
Type of somebody, mortal, soul, person, someone, individual
Has types intervenor, jane doe, tort-feasor, assignor, contractor, reversioner, richard roe, assignee, litigator, litigant, tortfeasor, vouchee, john doe

the party of the first part.
Type Words
Type of celebrate, fete
Has types rave

The students were partying all night before the exam.