Dutch language

How to pronounce pack in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms tamp, tamp down
Type of compress, compact, pack together
Type Words
Synonyms face pack
Type of corrective, restorative
Type Words
Synonyms camp, clique, coterie, ingroup, inner circle
Type of set, band, circle, lot
Has types junto, junta, loop, bloomsbury group, maffia, mafia, military junta, hard core, galere, faction, camarilla, cabal, brain trust, bohemia, rogue's gallery, sect, kitchen cabinet
Type Words
Synonyms carry, take
Type of feature, have
Verb group carry

She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains.
Type Words
Synonyms backpack
Type of hike
Derivation packing, packer

Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies.
Type Words
Synonyms bundle, compact, wad
Type of set up, arrange
Has types puddle
Verb group compact
Derivation packing
Type Words
Synonyms jam, mob, pile, throng
Type of crowd, crowd together

The crowd packed the auditorium.
Type Words
Synonyms gang, mob, ring
Type of association
Has types youth gang, nest

a pack of thieves.
Type Words
Synonyms battalion, large number, multitude, plurality
Type of large indefinite quantity, large indefinite amount
Type Words
Synonyms load down
Type of load up, load, laden, lade
Type Words
Synonyms compact
Type of be
Verb group wad, bundle, compact

Such odd-shaped items do not pack well.
Type Words
Type of sheaf, bundle
Type Words
Type of aggregation, assemblage, collection, accumulation
Has types pack of cards, disk pack, disc pack, deck of cards, deck
Type Words
Type of parcel, package
Type Words
Type of animal group
Has types wolf pack
Type Words
Type of case, encase, incase
Has types containerize, bag, bundle, stow, bundle up, roll up, containerise
Derivation packing, packer, package

pack the books into the boxes.
Type Words
Type of restorative, corrective
Type Words
Type of transport, carry
Derivation packing
Type Words
Type of make full, fill, fill up

This singer always packs the concert halls.
The murder trial packed the court house.
Type Words
Type of seal, seal off

pack the faucet.
Type Words
Type of constitute, nominate, name, appoint

pack a jury.
Type Words
Type of care for, treat

The nurse packed gauze in the wound.
You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice.