Dutch language

How to pronounce oscine bird in Dutch?

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Synonyms oscine
Type of passerine, passeriform bird
Has types australian magpie, babbler, bird of paradise, blue mockingbird, bluebird, bowerbird, cackler, catbird, corvine bird, creeper, dipper, dumetella carolinensis, fairy bluebird, finch, flycatcher, gray catbird, grey catbird, honey eater, honeycreeper, honeysucker, lark, melanotis caerulescens, mimus polyglotktos, mocker, mocking thrush, mockingbird, new world oriole, new zealand wren, nutcracker, nuthatch, old world flycatcher, old world oriole, oriole, wood swallow, american oriole, weaver, weaver finch, weaverbird, accentor, pipit, shrike, songbird, songster, starling, swallow, swallow shrike, tanager, thrasher, thrush, tit, titlark, titmouse, tree creeper, true flycatcher, vireo, wagtail, warbler, water ouzel, waxwing