Dutch language

How to pronounce origin in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms ancestry, blood, blood line, bloodline, descent, line, line of descent, lineage, parentage, pedigree, stemma, stock
Type of family tree, genealogy
Has types folk, sept, kinsfolk, phratry, family, side, family line, kinfolk
Type Words
Synonyms beginning, root, rootage, source
Type of point
Has types provenance, birthplace, cradle, derivation, fountainhead, head, headspring, headwater, home, jumping-off place, place of origin, point of departure, point source, provenience, wellhead, wellspring, spring, trail head, trailhead
Derivation originate

Jupiter was the origin of the radiation.
Type Words
Synonyms descent, extraction
Type of lineage, filiation, ancestry, derivation
Has types full blood

he comes from good origins.
Type Words
Synonyms inception, origination
Type of beginning
Has types emanation, cause, germination, overture, rise, preliminary, procession, prelude
Derivation originate
Type Words
Type of intersection
Type Words
Type of source

the rumor had its origin in idle gossip.
vegetable origins.
mineral origin.
origin in sensation.