Dutch language

How to pronounce opinion in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms ruling
Type of judgment, judicial decision, judgement
Has types fatwa
Type Words
Synonyms judgement, judgment, legal opinion
Type of legal instrument, official document, instrument, legal document
Has types concurring opinion, majority opinion, fatwah, obiter dictum, dissenting opinion, dictum

opinions are usually written by a single judge.
Type Words
Synonyms persuasion, sentiment, thought, view
Type of belief
Has types preconceived idea, eyes, idea, judgement, judgment, mind, parti pris, pole, political sympathies, politics, preconceived notion, preconceived opinion, preconception, prepossession
Derivation opine

my opinion differs from yours.
Type Words
Synonyms view
Type of content, subject matter, substance, message
Has types position, surmisal, conjecture, supposition, hypothesis, surmise, speculation, side, adverse opinion, guess
Derivation opine

his opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page.
Type Words
Synonyms popular opinion, public opinion, vox populi
Type of belief

he asked for a poll of public opinion.
Type Words
Synonyms belief, feeling, impression, notion
Type of thought, idea
Has types intuition, presence, hunch, effect, suspicion, first blush