Dutch language

How to pronounce opening in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms gap
Type of space
Has types mouth, window, tear, breach, split, chasm, cleft, crack, crevice, snag, diastema, scissure, rip, rift, fissure, rent, ranvier's nodes, foramen, hiatus, hole, pocket, nodes of ranvier
Derivation open

there was a small opening between the trees.
Type Words
Synonyms chess opening
Type of sequence, succession

he memorized all the important chess openings.
Type Words
Synonyms orifice, porta
Type of passage, passageway
Has types cervix, cervix uteri, fontanel, fontanelle, stoma, pylorus, porta hepatis, vent, uterine cervix, naris, introitus, urethral orifice, spiracle, aortic orifice, mouth, blastopore, anus, soft spot, os, cardia, external orifice, rima, fenestra
Derivation open
Type Words
Synonyms possibility, possible action
Type of alternative, option, choice
Has types possible
Type Words
Synonyms hatchway, scuttle
Type of entree, entryway, entrance, entranceway, entry
Has types escape hatch
Derivation open
Type Words
Synonyms first step, initiative, opening move
Type of commencement, beginning, start
Has types first base, curtain raiser, peace initiative
Derivation open
Type Words
Synonyms curtain raising, opening night
Type of start

the opening received good critical reviews.
Type Words
Type of ceremonial occasion, ceremony, observance, ceremonial
Derivation open
Type Words
Type of artefact, artifact
Has types window, aperture, muzzle, lunette, neck, neck opening, lattice, issue, wicket, interstice, outlet, pass-through, intake, inlet, way out, hole, port, gun muzzle, porthole, grille, gap, fly front, rear of barrel, rear of tube, fly, fenestella, exit, embrasure, throat, slit, mouth, bell, crack, breech, spout

they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door.
Type Words
Type of change of integrity
Has types cutting, cut
Derivation open

the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for.
Type Words

the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth.
the play's opening scene.
Type Words
Type of chance, opportunity
Derivation open

there is an opening in the sales department.
Type Words
Type of movement, move, motion, motility
Derivation open

the ray of light revealed his cautious opening of the door.
Type Words
Type of introduction
Has types salutation, teaser

the opening established the basic theme.