Dutch language

How to pronounce music in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms medicine
Type of penalisation, penalization, punishment, penalty

you have to face the music.
Type Words
Synonyms euphony
Type of sound, auditory sensation
Has types music of the spheres
Derivation musical

he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes.
Type Words
Type of auditory communication
Has types melody, prelude, monody, monophonic music, monophony, mozart, popularism, stravinsky, haydn, antiphony, chorus, instrumental music, section, brahms, rhapsody, strain, air, line, refrain, chopin, melodic line, melodic phrase, composition, concerted music, music genre, musical composition, musical genre, musical harmony, bach, dance music, musical style, ballet, tune, opus, polytonality, overture, ta'ziyeh, part music, polytonalism, polyphony, polyphonic music, pizzicato, syncopation, piece of music, piece, vocal, vocal music, wagner, serialism, genre, gilbert and sullivan, serial music, beethoven, subdivision, handel, harmony
Derivation musician
Type Words
Type of activity
Has types intonation, instrumental music, percussion, carillon, vocal music, carillon playing, bell ringing, whistling
Derivation musical, musician

his music was his central interest.
Type Words
Type of sound, auditory sensation
Has types piano music
Derivation musician, musical