Dutch language

How to pronounce message in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms content, subject matter, substance
Type of communication
Has types information, insertion, instruction, interpolation, latent content, meaning, meaninglessness, memorial, narration, narrative, nonsense, nonsensicality, offer, acknowledgement, opinion, packaging, parenthesis, petition, postulation, promo, promotion, promotional material, proposal, publicity, refusal, reminder, request, respects, sensationalism, shocker, significance, signification, statement, story, subject, submission, tale, theme, topic, view, wit, witticism, wittiness, offering, acknowledgment, approval, aside, body, bunk, commendation, commitment, corker, counsel, counseling, counselling, dedication, digression, direction, disapproval, discourtesy, disrespect, divagation, drivel, entry, excursus, garbage, guidance, hokum, humor, humour, import, info
Type Words
Type of communication
Has types mail, cypher, radiogram, broadcast, packet, telegram, telephone message, inscription, phone message, wire, heliogram, cipher, dedication

he sent a three-word message.
Type Words
Type of communicate
Type Words
Type of communicate, pass, pass along, pass on, put across

She messaged the committee.
Type Words
Type of put across, pass, pass on, pass along, communicate

She messaged the final report by fax.