Dutch language

How to pronounce measure in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms bill
Type of instrument, legal instrument, official document, legal document
Has types bill of attainder, appropriation bill, bottle bill, trade bill, farm bill
Type Words
Synonyms amount, quantity
Type of abstract entity, abstraction
Has types playing period, point, point in time, metric, probability, proof, quantum, radical, relative quantity, magnetization, magnetisation, interval, indefinite quantity, system of measurement, time interval, time unit, fundamental quantity, unit of time, value, volume, fundamental measure, economic value, definite quantity, cordage, chance, octane number, octane rating, period of play, play
Type Words
Synonyms criterion, standard, touchstone
Type of metric, system of measurement
Has types scale of measurement, graduated table, norm, grade point average, gpa, gauge, procrustean bed, medium of exchange, baseline, procrustean rule, benchmark, yardstick, procrustean standard, monetary system, ordered series, era, scale, earned run average, standard of measurement

they set the measure for all subsequent work.
Type Words
Synonyms step
Type of tactical manoeuvre, manoeuvre, maneuver, tactical maneuver
Has types countermeasure, precaution, safeguard, guard, shark repellent, porcupine provision

the situation called for strong measures.
Type Words
Synonyms measure out, mensurate
Type of determine, make up one's mind, decide
Has types calibrate, triangulate, shoot, calliper, caliper
Derivation measurable, measuring, measurer, measurement
Type Words
Synonyms measurement, measuring, mensuration
Type of activity
Has types quantification, photometry, hypsography, cephalometry, calorimetry, quantitative chemical analysis, mental measurement, bathymetry, radioactive dating, reading, meter reading, audiometry, sampling, arterial blood gases, anthropometry, scaling, seismography, angulation, sound ranging, sounding, spirometry, hypsometry, surveying, algometry, hydrometry, gravimetry, telemetry, thermogravimetry, thermometry, actinometry, anemometry, tonometry, anemography, plumbing, micrometry, viscometry, viscosimetry, observation, quantitative analysis, foetometry, fetometry, pelvimetry, dosimetry, densitometry

the measurements were carefully done.
Type Words
Synonyms quantify
Type of express, carry, convey
Has types pace, clock, fathom, gauge, librate, meter, plumb, scale, sound, step, time, titrate, weigh
Derivation measurable, measurement
Type Words
Synonyms beat, cadence, meter, metre
Type of prosody, rhythmic pattern, poetic rhythm
Has types common meter, common measure, metrical foot, catalexis, scansion, foot, metrical unit
Type Words
Synonyms measuring rod, measuring stick
Type of measuring instrument, measuring system, measuring device
Has types board rule, rule, ruler, size stick
Type Words
Synonyms bar
Type of musical notation
Type Words
Synonyms appraise, assess, evaluate, valuate, value
Type of judge, evaluate, pass judgment
Has types value, censor, reevaluate, score, standardise, standardize, grade, mark, praise, rate, reassess
Verb group assess
Type Words
Type of container
Has types measuring cup
Type Words
Type of be
Has types last, endure, stand, weigh, scale

This table surfaces measures 20inches by 36 inches.