Dutch language

How to pronounce manoeuvre in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms evasive action, maneuver
Type of evasion
Has types clinch, airplane maneuver, flight maneuver, straight-arm
Type Words
Synonyms maneuver, play
Type of movement, motion, move
Has types completion, trap play, assist, ball hawking, baseball play, blitz, figure, footwork, icing, icing the puck, jugglery, linebacker blitzing, mousetrap, obstruction, pass completion, safety blitz, shot, stroke, takeaway
Type Words
Synonyms maneuver, tactical maneuver, tactical manoeuvre
Type of move
Has types measure, artifice, stratagem, device, feint, ruse, parking, footwork, gambit, gimmick, step, twist, ploy
Type Words
Synonyms maneuver, manoeuver
Type of act, move
Type Words
Synonyms maneuver, manoeuver, operate
Type of go, move
Has types jockey
Type Words
Synonyms maneuver, tactic, tactics
Type of plan of action
Type Words
Synonyms channelise, channelize, direct, guide, head, maneuver, manoeuver, point, steer
Type of command, control
Has types crab, dock, helm, tree, conn, corner, stand out, starboard, channel, navigate, park, pilot, pull over, sheer
Type Words
Synonyms maneuver, simulated military operation
Type of military operation, operation