Dutch language

How to pronounce man in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms military man, military personnel, serviceman
Type of trained worker, skilled workman, skilled worker
Has types commander, inductee, leatherneck, machine gunner, marine, military officer, military volunteer, navy man, noncombatant, occupier, officer, gunner, ranger, sailor, sailor boy, ex-serviceman, enlisted person, draftee, devil dog, shipboard soldier, conscript, commando, striper, cannoneer, bluejacket, vet, veteran, veteran soldier, voluntary, volunteer, artilleryman, air force officer
Type Words
Synonyms adult male
Type of male person, male, grownup, adult
Has types bozo, swain, bruiser, bull, buster, adonis, castrate, cat, stud, strapper, stiff, sod, sir, clotheshorse, signore, signor, signior, dandy, sheik, divorced man, shaver, dude, ejaculator, senhor, esq, esquire, eunuch, ex, ex-boyfriend, ex-husband, samson, posseman, fashion plate, father-figure, father figure, father surrogate, fellow, ponce, philanderer, peter pan, fop, patriarch, paterfamilias, gallant, galoot, old man, geezer, gentleman, golden boy, grass widower, graybeard, greybeard, old boy, guy, monsieur, he-man, middle-aged man, herr, hombre, methuselah, hooray henry, housefather, macho-man, ironman, ironside, iron man, inamorato, hunk, young man, young buck, wonder boy, womanizer, womaniser, widowman, widower, baboo, babu, bachelor, beau, bey, white man, unmarried man, tarzan, swell, boy, boyfriend
Derivation manly
Type Words
Synonyms gentleman, gentleman's gentleman, valet, valet de chambre
Type of body servant, manservant

Jeeves was Bertie Wooster's man.
Type Words
Synonyms isle of man
Type Words
Synonyms homo, human, human being
Type of hominid
Has types homo sapiens neanderthalensis, human beings, humankind, humanity, neandertal, neandertal man, neanderthal, neanderthal man, homo habilis, human race, homo erectus, mankind, world, homo rhodesiensis, homo sapiens, rhodesian man, humans, homo soloensis
Type Words
Synonyms human beings, human race, humanity, humankind, humans, mankind, world
Type of homo, group, human being, human, grouping

she always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women.
Type Words
Synonyms piece
Type of game equipment
Has types chequer, tile, checker, chessman, chess piece, black, white
Type Words
Type of male person, male, lover

she takes good care of her man.
Type Words
Type of underling, foot soldier, subordinate, subsidiary

he awaited word from his man in Havana.
Type Words
Type of male person, male
Derivation manly

the army will make a man of you.
Type Words
Type of staff
Has types crew

We cannot man all the desks.
Students were manning the booths.
Type Words
Type of do work, work

Mr. Smith manned the reception desk in the morning.
Type Words
Type of soul, somebody, individual, person, mortal, someone

it was every man for himself.