Dutch language

How to pronounce make in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms make up
Type of tidy up, tidy, straighten out, neaten, clean up, square away, straighten

make the bed.
make up a room.
Type Words
Synonyms make water, micturate, pass water, pee, pee-pee, piddle, piss, puddle, relieve oneself, spend a penny, take a leak, urinate, wee, wee-wee
Type of pass, excrete, egest, eliminate
Has types wet, stale
Verb group urinate, stool, take a crap, ca-ca, take a shit, defecate, crap, shit
Type Words
Synonyms ca-ca, crap, defecate, shit, stool, take a crap, take a shit
Type of eliminate, egest, excrete, pass
Has types dung
Verb group pee-pee, urinate, pee, make water, pass water, micturate, spend a penny, take a leak, piddle, relieve oneself, wee-wee, puddle, wee, piss
Type Words
Synonyms establish, lay down
Type of create
Has types mark, set

make laws.
Type Words
Synonyms create
Type of create
Has types design, do
Verb group produce, create
Derivation making
Type Words
Synonyms build, construct
Type of create
Has types customise, groin, erect, set up, frame up, corduroy, wattle, lock, dry-wall, revet, reconstruct, cantilever, rebuild, rear, channelise, channelize, raise, frame, customize, put up
Verb group build
Derivation making, maker
Type Words
Synonyms get
Type of modify, alter, change
Has types leave, have, get, let, render

Don't make this into a big deal.
This invention will make you a millionaire.
Type Words
Synonyms do
Type of create
Type Words
Synonyms name, nominate
Type of charge, appoint
Has types rename
Type Words
Synonyms score, seduce
Type of persuade
Verb group seduce
Type Words
Synonyms take
Type of head
Type Words
Synonyms get, have
Type of hit, tally, rack up, score
Type Words
Synonyms bring in, clear, earn, gain, pull in, realise, realize, take in
Type of get, acquire
Has types rake off, pay, squeeze out, profit, bring home, rake in, turn a profit, eke out, take home, yield, bear, gross, shovel in
Verb group sack up, sack, clear, net

How much do you make a month in your new job?.
Type Words
Synonyms make believe, pretend
Type of represent, act, play
Has types go through the motions
Verb group pretend, feign, affect, sham, dissemble

She makes like an actress.
Type Words
Synonyms work
Type of pass
Has types jostle, bushwhack, claw
Verb group work

make one's way into the forest.
Type Words
Synonyms shuffle, shuffling
Type of reordering
Has types reshuffle, riffle, reshuffling
Type Words
Synonyms get to, progress to, reach
Type of accomplish, reach, achieve, attain

make the first team.
She may not make the grade.
Type Words
Synonyms give, have, hold, throw
Type of direct

have, throw, or make a party.
Type Words
Synonyms cause, do
Type of create
Has types shape, actuate, breed, call forth, determine, effect, effectuate, engender, evoke, facilitate, force, impel, incite, influence, initiate, kick up, mold, motivate, move, occasion, pioneer, prompt, propel, provoke, regulate, set up, spawn

make a stir.
Type Words
Synonyms draw
Type of create mentally, create by mental act

make an estimate.
What do you make of his remarks?.
Type Words
Synonyms arrive at, attain, gain, hit, reach
Has types breast, get at, scale, run aground, find, access, get through, bottom out, ground, come through, top, top out, summit, catch up, peak, culminate, surmount
Type Words
Synonyms do
Has types exaggerate, overdo

make love, not war.
make an effort.
make revolution.
Type Words
Synonyms cause, get, have, induce, stimulate
Has types persuade, prompt, bring, compel, inspire, decide, solicit, instigate, encourage, suborn, lead, let, oblige, obligate
Type Words
Synonyms cook, fix, prepare, ready
Type of create from raw material, create from raw stuff
Has types dress, flambe, dress out, scallop, lard, whomp up, whip up, cook up, keep, precook, concoct, preserve, escallop, put on, deglaze, devil

can you make me an omelette?.
Type Words
Synonyms brand
Type of variety, kind, sort, form

what make of car is that?.
Type Words
Synonyms constitute, form
Type of be, represent, comprise, constitute, make up
Has types add, chelate

This makes a fine introduction.
Type Words
Synonyms create
Has types father, give, give rise, grind, extract, evoke, establish, incorporate, initiate, institute, enkindle, kindle, engender, lay down, elicit, educe, do, distill, distil, direct, derive, cut, create verbally, make for, create mentally, create from raw stuff, manufacture, create from raw material, mother, multiply, create by mental act, create, offset, organise, organize, originate, copy, piece, play, construct, prepare, press, procreate, produce, compose, work, wreak, provoke, write, cleave, clear, choreograph, puncture, put on, chop, put together, raise, re-create, cause, realise, realize, recreate, call up, regenerate, build, bring forth, bring about, reproduce, bring, scrape, blast, beget, set up, yield, shell, beat, short, short-circuit, bear, sire, spume, start, assemble, strike, style, substantiate, suds, summon, tack, tack together, arouse, actualize, actualise, track, turn in, turn out, twine, froth, form, generate, fire, film-make, film, get
Derivation making

make a mess in one's office.
Type Words
Synonyms create, produce
Has types confect, refashion, burn, remake, put out, pulse, churn out, clap together, clap up, pulsate, publish, render, proof, reproduce, return, print, prefabricate, preassemble, breed, overproduce, output, yield, bootleg, make over, custom-make, customise, customize, cut, slap together, smelt, squeeze out, tailor-make, dummy, dummy up, machine, elaborate, laminate, throw together, turn out, fudge together, generate, underproduce, extrude, give, redo
Verb group create
Derivation maker, making
Type Words
Type of do, behave, act
Verb group have, gain, pull in, realize, take in, realise, clear, earn, get, bring in

make friends.
make enemies.
Type Words
Type of number, total, add up, amount, come

four and four make eight.
Type Words
Type of amount

This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living.
Type Words
Type of appear, seem, look
Type Words
Type of assure, ensure, guarantee, secure, insure

A good review by this critic will make your play!.
Type Words
Type of behave, do, act

make merry.
Type Words
Type of become

He makes a great host.
He will make a fine father.
Type Words
Type of be
Derivation making

Wood makes good furniture.
Type Words
Type of gauge, guess, approximate, estimate, judge
Verb group draw

I make the height about 100 feet.
Type Words
Type of perpetrate, pull, commit

make a mistake.
Type Words
Type of change, alter, modify

make my day.
Type Words
Type of change, alter, modify

make water into wine.
make lead into gold.
make clay into bricks.
Type Words
Type of do, cause
Has types drive

Heat makes you sweat.
Type Words
Type of consider, reckon, see, regard, view
Type Words
Type of comprise, be, make up, represent, constitute

Clothes make the man.
Type Words
Type of develop, grow
Derivation making

He will make a splendid father!.
Type Words
Type of develop

Practice makes the winner.
Type Words
Type of assemble, gather, get together
Type Words
Type of create from raw stuff, create from raw material
Verb group make up, cook, fix, ready, prepare

make a fire.
Type Words
Type of create from raw material, create from raw stuff
Has types compile, forge, fashion, cooper, construct, fabricate, compose, manufacture
Derivation making

make a dress.
make a cake.
make a wall of stones.
Type Words
Type of execute, do, perform
Has types pay
Verb group do

make a decision.
make a move.
make advances.
make a phone call.
Type Words
Type of attain, hit, gain, arrive at, reach
Verb group arrive at, gain, hit, attain, reach
Type Words
Type of change
Derivation making

This wool makes into a nice sweater.