Dutch language

How to pronounce liliaceous plant in Dutch?

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Type of bulbous plant
Has types albuca, alliaceous plant, alstroemeria, amber lily, amianthum muscaetoxicum, amianthum muscitoxicum, anthericum liliago, anthericum torreyi, asphodel, avalanche lily, bear grass, bloomeria crocea, bluebell, bog asphodel, brodiaea, calochortus nuttallii, camas, camash, camass, camosh, cat's-ear, clinton's lily, clintonia, colic root, colicroot, convallaria majalis, crow corn, day lily, daylily, death camas, dog's-tooth violet, dogtooth, dogtooth violet, erythronium montanum, fairy lantern, false asphodel, false hellebore, false lily of the valley, zigadene, wood lily, xerophyllum tenax, agapanthus, fly poison, globe lily, golden star, golden stars, grape hyacinth, harebell, hellebore, hyacinth, hyacinthoides nonscripta, lily, lily of the nile, lily of the valley, lily turf, lilyturf, liriope muscari, maianthemum bifolium, maianthemum canadense, mariposa, mariposa lily, mariposa tulip, may lily, quamash, saint-bernard's-lily, scilla, scilla nonscripta, sea onion, sea squill, sego lily, solomon's-seal, squaw grass, squill, star grass, trillium, tulip, unicorn root, urginea maritima, wake-robin, wild hyacinth, wood hyacinth