Dutch language

How to pronounce life in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms living
Type of experience

he could no longer cope with the complexities of life.
Type Words
Synonyms aliveness, animation, living
Type of beingness, being, face of the earth, existence
Has types life eternal, endurance, skin, eternal life, survival
Derivation lifer

while there's life there's hope.
life depends on many chemical and physical processes.
Type Words
Synonyms biography, life history, life story
Type of account, history, story, chronicle
Has types hagiography, autobiography, profile
Type Words
Synonyms life-time, lifespan, lifetime
Type of period of time, period, time period
Has types hereafter, afterlife
Derivation lifer

the battery had a short life.
he lived a long and happy life.
Type Words
Synonyms liveliness, spirit, sprightliness
Type of invigoration, spiritedness, vivification, brio, animation
Has types esprit, buoyancy, briskness, delicacy, ebullience, elan, energy, enthusiasm, exuberance, ginger, breeziness, high-spiritedness, irrepressibility, jauntiness, muscularity, pep, peppiness, pertness, alacrity, smartness, airiness, vigor, vigour, vim

it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it.
Type Words
Synonyms life sentence
Type of prison term, time, sentence
Derivation lifer

he got life for killing the guard.
Type Words
Type of existence, beingness, face of the earth, being
Has types ghetto

social life.
city life.
real life.
Type Words
Type of mortal, person, somebody, individual, soul, someone

his heroism saved a life.
Type Words
Type of need, motive, motivation

pottery was his life.
Type Words
Type of living thing, animate thing
Has types wildlife

the oceans are teeming with life.
Type Words
Type of existence, being, beingness, face of the earth

he hoped for a new life in Australia.
he wanted to live his own life without interference from others.
get a life!.
he is trying to rebuild his life.
Type Words
Type of organic phenomenon
Has types aerobiosis, biology

there is no life on the moon.
Type Words
Type of period of time, period, time period

I have known him all his life.
Type Words
Type of time period, period of time, period
Has types years, days
Derivation lifer

he appointed himself emperor for life.