Dutch language

How to pronounce license in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms licence
Type of liberty

when liberty becomes license dictatorship is near.
the intolerable license with which the newspapers break...the rules of decorum.
Type Words
Synonyms licence
Type of liberty
Has types poetic license
Type Words
Synonyms permission, permit
Type of empowerment, authorization, authorisation
Has types toleration, allowance, clearance, conge, congee, dispensation
Type Words
Synonyms licence, permit
Type of instrument, official document, legal document, legal instrument
Has types occupation licence, driver's licence, driver's license, driving licence, driving license, marriage license, fishing licence, fishing license, fishing permit, game license, hunting licence, hunting license, hunting permit, learner's permit, letter of mark and reprisal, letter of marque, letters of marque, marriage licence, liquor license, liquor licence, liberty chit, wedding license, wedding licence, building permit, pass, occupation license
Type Words
Synonyms certify, licence
Type of authorize, clear, authorise, pass
Has types charter, franchise, recognize, accredit, recognise
Derivation licensee, licenser

I am licensed to practice law in this state.