Dutch language

How to pronounce lead in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms head
Type of direct
Has types take hold, take control, take charge, captain, chair, chairman, spearhead
Derivation leader
Type Words
Synonyms lead-in, lede
Type of subdivision, section

it was an amusing lead-in to a very serious matter.
Type Words
Synonyms conduct, direct, guide, take
Has types lead astray, beacon, misdirect, misguide, mislead, show, usher, hand
Derivation leader

We lead him to our chief.
Type Words
Synonyms leave, result
Type of give rise, produce, bring about
Verb group leave
Type Words
Synonyms conduce, contribute
Type of promote, boost, encourage, further, advance

The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing.
Type Words
Synonyms conduct, direct
Type of execute, perform, do
Verb group conduct
Type Words
Synonyms booster cable, jumper cable, jumper lead
Type of wire, jumper, conducting wire
Has types clip lead

it was a tangle of jumper cables and clip leads.
Type Words
Synonyms lead story
Type of newspaper article, news article, news story
Type Words
Synonyms head
Type of precede
Has types draw away
Verb group head up, head
Derivation leader
Type Words
Synonyms go
Type of be
Type Words
Synonyms precede
Type of locomote, travel, go, move
Has types head
Type Words
Synonyms chair, moderate
Type of discuss, talk over, hash out
Type Words
Synonyms atomic number 82, pb
Type of metallic element, metal
Has types hard lead, antimonial lead, pig lead

the children were playing with lead soldiers.
Type Words
Synonyms run
Type of make pass, pass
Verb group run, draw, range, guide, pass
Type Words
Synonyms extend, go, pass, run
Type of be
Has types radiate, come, go deep, go far, ray, underrun
Verb group run, range
Type Words
Synonyms top
Type Words
Synonyms principal, star
Type of histrion, player, thespian, actor, role player
Has types film star, television star, matinee idol, movie star, co-star, tv star, idol
Type Words
Synonyms track, trail
Type of grounds, evidence

the police are following a promising lead.
Type Words
Synonyms leading
Type of strip, slip
Type Words
Synonyms leash, tether
Type of constraint, restraint
Type Words
Synonyms spark advance
Type of timing
Type Words
Synonyms confidential information, hint, steer, tip, wind
Type of counsel, guidance, counselling, direction, counseling

a good lead for a job.
Type Words
Synonyms pencil lead
Type of black lead, plumbago, graphite
Type Words
Type of vantage, advantage

he took the lead at the last turn.
Type Words
Type of leadership, leading

he takes the lead in any group.
we were just waiting for someone to take the lead.
they didn't follow our lead.
Type Words
Type of position, place

he took a long lead off first.
Type Words
Type of cause, have, get, stimulate, induce, make
Has types give
Derivation leader
Type Words
Type of score
Type Words
Type of leave, result
Has types necessitate, implicate, entail

This remark lead to further arguments among the guests.
Type Words
Type of angle
Type Words
Type of turn, play

the lead was in the dummy.