Dutch language

How to pronounce laugh in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms express joy, express mirth
Type of express feelings, express emotion
Has types convulse, crack up, giggle, guffaw, howl, laugh loudly, laugh softly, roar, snicker, snigger, titter, cackle, chuckle, cachinnate, chortle, bellylaugh, bray, break up
Derivation laugher, laughable
Type Words
Synonyms laughter
Type of vocalization, utterance
Has types horselaugh, haw-haw, ha-ha, guffaw, snicker, snigger, snort, giggle, titter, belly laugh, chuckle, chortle, cackle, cachinnation, hee-haw
Type Words
Synonyms gag, jape, jest, joke
Type of witticism, humour, wit, humor, wittiness
Has types ethnic joke, funny, funny remark, funny story, visual joke, thigh-slapper, good story, sight gag, sidesplitter, sick joke, shaggy dog story, scream, howler, in-joke, one-liner, belly laugh, blue joke, riot, blue story, wow, dirty joke, dirty story

thanks for the laugh.
he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest.
Type Words
Type of facial gesture, facial expression

his face wrinkled in a silent laugh of derision.