Dutch language

How to pronounce joke in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms antic, caper, prank, put-on, trick
Type of recreation, diversion
Has types practical joke, dirty trick
Derivation jokester
Type Words
Synonyms jest, jocularity
Type of recreation, diversion
Has types waggery, pleasantry, drollery, leg-pull, leg-pulling
Derivation jocular, jokester
Type Words
Synonyms jest
Type of act, do, behave
Has types clown around, clown, antic
Derivation joker
Type Words
Synonyms gag, jape, jest, laugh
Type of wittiness, wit, humor, humour, witticism
Has types sight gag, belly laugh, blue joke, blue story, dirty joke, dirty story, ethnic joke, funny, funny remark, funny story, good story, howler, in-joke, one-liner, riot, scream, shaggy dog story, sick joke, sidesplitter, thigh-slapper, visual joke, wow
Derivation jocular, jokester

he told a very funny joke.
Type Words
Synonyms jest
Type of intercommunicate, communicate
Has types fool, fool around, gag, horse around, quip, pun, arse around
Derivation joker

He often jokes even when he appears serious.
Type Words
Type of triviality, slightness, puniness, pettiness

I regarded his campaign for mayor as a joke.