Dutch language

How to pronounce intoxication in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms poisoning, toxic condition
Type of physical condition, physiological condition, physiological state
Has types nicotine poisoning, ophidism, paraquat poisoning, pesticide poisoning, salicylate poisoning, naphthalene poisoning, caffeine intoxication, caffeinism, carbon monoxide poisoning, cyanide poisoning, ergotism, mercury poisoning, alkali poisoning
Derivation intoxicate
Type Words
Synonyms drunkenness, inebriation, inebriety, insobriety, tipsiness
Type of temporary state
Has types sottishness, grogginess
Derivation intoxicate
Type Words
Type of exhilaration, excitement
Derivation intoxicate

the intoxication of wealth and power.