Dutch language

How to pronounce intelligence in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms intelligence information
Type of information, info
Has types military intelligence

we sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage.
Type Words
Synonyms news, tidings, word
Type of info, information
Has types good word, latest
Type Words
Synonyms intelligence activity, intelligence operation
Type of information gathering
Has types clandestine operation, spying, strategic intelligence, tactical intelligence, undercover work, current intelligence, counterintelligence, reconnaissance, reconnaissance mission, overt operation, combat intelligence, signals intelligence, sigint
Type Words
Synonyms intelligence agency, intelligence service
Type of administrative unit, administrative body
Has types national intelligence community, united states intelligence community, ic, military intelligence, military intelligence agency, united states intelligence agency, intelligence community, international intelligence agency
Type Words
Type of power, ability
Has types nimbleness, nonverbal intelligence, perspicaciousness, perspicacity, precociousness, precocity, quick-wittedness, quickness, sharpness, acuity, acuteness, astuteness, brain, brainpower, breadth, brightness, brilliance, cleverness, comprehensiveness, genius, intellect, keenness, largeness, learning ability, marbles, mental capacity, mental dexterity, mental quickness, mentality, mind, shrewdness, smartness, verbal intelligence, wit, wits
Derivation intelligent