Dutch language

How to pronounce intellectual in Dutch?

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Synonyms noetic, rational

intellectual problems.
Type Words
Synonyms cerebral
Derivation intellect
Type Words
Synonyms intellect
Type of soul, individual, someone, mortal, person, somebody
Has types brainiac, clever clogs, clever dick, creative thinker, decipherer, decoder, doubter, egghead, einstein, exponent, alchemist, expounder, genius, highbrow, idealogue, illusionist, mastermind, mentor, mind, sceptic, scholar, scholarly person, seer, skeptic, expositor, anomalist, aphorist, bel esprit, bookman, brain, subjectivist, synthesiser, synthesist, synthesizer, theoretician, theoriser, theorist, theorizer, thinker, visionary, wise man, wonderer, specifier, student
Type Words

satire is an intellectual weapon.
intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor.
has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people.
coldly intellectual.
sort of the intellectual type.
intellectual literature.