Dutch language

How to pronounce imbibe in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms assimilate
Type of absorb
Derivation imbibition
Type Words
Synonyms absorb, draw, soak up, sop up, suck, suck up, take in, take up
Has types wipe up, blot, mop, mop up, sponge up
Derivation imbiber
Type Words
Synonyms drink
Type of take, have, take in, ingest, consume
Has types kill, lap, lap up, lick, toss off, pop, pour down, quaff, sip, belt down, suck, swig, swill, swill down, bolt down, down, drain the cup, drink up, drink down, guggle, gulp, gurgle, guzzle
Derivation imbiber, imbibing, imbibition
Type Words
Type of take in, ingest, assimilate, absorb