Dutch language

How to pronounce hurry in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms haste, rush, rushing
Type of movement, motion, move
Has types bolt, scurry, scramble, scamper, dash
Type Words
Synonyms rush
Type of press, exhort, urge, urge on
Type Words
Synonyms haste, hastiness, hurriedness, precipitation
Type of swiftness, speed, fastness
Has types abruptness, precipitance, precipitancy, precipitateness, precipitousness, suddenness
Type Words
Synonyms speed, travel rapidly, zip
Type of locomote, move, travel, go
Has types run, whizz, dart, fleet, flit, flutter, zoom along, zoom, whizz along
Derivation hurrying
Type Words
Synonyms haste
Type of urgency

in a hurry to lock the door.
Type Words
Synonyms festinate, hasten, look sharp, rush
Type of move, act

hurry--it's late!.