Dutch language

How to pronounce humor in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms humour
Type of quality
Has types comicality
Derivation humorous, humorist

I fail to see the humor in it.
Type Words
Synonyms humour
Type of pander, indulge, gratify
Derivation humoring
Type Words
Synonyms bodily fluid, body fluid, humour, liquid body substance
Type of body substance
Has types waters, yellow bile, amniotic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, choler, chyle, come, amnionic fluid, cum, ecf, ejaculate, endolymph, extracellular fluid, festering, blood serum, blood, black bile, ichor, aqueous humour, ink, intracellular fluid, juice, karyolymph, lochia, lymph, melancholy, milk, aqueous humor, perilymph, purulence, pus, sanies, secretion, seed, semen, seminal fluid, serum, spinal fluid, succus, suppuration, vitreous body, vitreous humor, vitreous humour
Derivation humoral
Type Words
Synonyms humour
Type of body substance
Derivation humoral

the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile.
Type Words
Synonyms humour, sense of humor, sense of humour
Type of playfulness, fun
Derivation humorist, humorous

she didn't appreciate my humor.
you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor.
Type Words
Synonyms humour, wit, witticism, wittiness
Type of subject matter, message, content, substance
Has types bite, esprit de l'escalier, topper, bon mot, mot, cartoon, play, pungency, sketch, jest, sport, jeu d'esprit, caricature, joke, gag, fun, laugh, repartee, ribaldry, imitation, sarcasm, satire, impersonation, caustic remark, irony, jape
Derivation humorous, humorist
Type Words
Synonyms humour, mood, temper
Type of feeling
Has types amiability, sulkiness, sulk, peeve, distemper, ill humor, good temper, good humour, good humor, ill humour

he was in a bad humor.