Dutch language

How to pronounce house in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms domiciliate, put up
Type of shelter
Has types rehouse, lodge, home, take in, accommodate, chamber
Derivation housing

The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town.
Type Words
Synonyms family, home, household, menage
Type of unit, social unit
Has types conjugal family, broken home, menage a trois, foster home, foster family, nuclear family, extended family

It was a good Christian household.
I waited until the whole house was asleep.
Type Words
Synonyms business firm, firm
Type of business organisation, business, business concern, concern, business organization
Has types publishing firm, publishing house, publisher, dealer, corp, consulting firm, consulting company, corporation, auction house, law firm, publishing company, accounting firm

he worked for a brokerage house.
Type Words
Synonyms mansion, planetary house, sign, sign of the zodiac, star sign
Type of region, part
Type Words
Synonyms theater, theatre
Type of edifice, building
Has types vaudeville theater, dinner theater, movie house, movie theater, movie theatre, music hall, dinner theatre, picture palace, arena theater, home theatre, home theater, opera, vaudeville theatre, theater in the round, little theater, cinema, opera house, little theatre

the house was full.
Type Words
Type of building, edifice
Has types field house, bagnio, oast house, pump house, pumping station, smokehouse, meat house, stash house, courthouse, bathhouse, sports arena, icehouse

they had a large carriage house.
Type Words
Type of building, abode, habitation, home, domicile, edifice, dwelling house, dwelling
Has types gatehouse, adobe house, beach house, boarding house, boardinghouse, bungalow, cabin, chalet, chapterhouse, cottage, country house, detached house, doll's house, dollhouse, duplex, duplex house, farmhouse, frat house, fraternity house, guesthouse, hacienda, hall, hunting lodge, lodge, lodging house, maisonette, maisonnette, manse, mansion, mansion house, ranch house, residence, rooming house, row house, safe house, saltbox, semidetached house, single dwelling, sod house, soddy, solar house, town house, tract house, villa

he has a house on Cape Cod.
she felt she had to get out of the house.
Type Words
Type of legislative assembly, general assembly, legislative body, law-makers, legislature
Has types british house of lords, house of representatives, united states house of representatives, house of lords, dail, dail eireann, house of burgesses, house of commons, u.s. house, us house, us house of representatives, u.s. house of representatives, seanad, seanad eireann, british house of commons

a bicameral legislature has two houses.
Type Words
Type of phratry, kinsfolk, kinfolk, sept, family, family line, folk
Has types royal line, royal house, royalty, medici, royal family
Type Words
Type of admit, hold, accommodate
Derivation housing

This box houses the gears.
Type Words
Type of play, child's play

the children were playing house.
Type Words
Type of audience

the house applauded.
he counted the house.
Type Words
Type of management

the house gets a percentage of every bet.
Type Words
Type of community