Dutch language

How to pronounce host in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms emcee, master of ceremonies
Type of entertainer
Has types quizmaster, question master, ringmaster, compere, lord of misrule, symposiarch, toastmaster
Type Words
Synonyms server
Type of information processing system, data processor, computing machine, computing device, computer, electronic computer
Type Words
Synonyms legion
Type of ground forces, regular army, army
Has types sabaoth, roman legion
Type Words
Synonyms boniface, innkeeper
Type of patron
Has types padrone, victualler, victualer, hostess
Type Words
Synonyms horde, legion
Type of multitude, concourse, throng
Type Words
Type of being, organism
Has types definitive host, intermediate host
Type Words
Type of organization, organisation

Atlanta was chosen to be host for the Olympic Games.
Type Words
Type of grownup, adult
Has types hostess
Type Words
Type of breadstuff, bread, staff of life
Type Words
Type of entertain
Has types emcee, do the honors, compere, banquet, wine and dine, junket, feast

We hosted 4 couples last night.
Type Words
Type of recipient, receiver