Dutch language

How to pronounce hold out in Dutch?

Toggle Transcript
Type Words
Synonyms resist, stand firm, withstand
Type of defend, fight, oppose, fight back, fight down
Has types withstand, defy, hold, hold off, hold up, outbrave, remain firm, stand, stand out, stand up
Derivation holdout
Type Words
Synonyms exsert, extend, put out, stretch forth, stretch out
Type of motion, gesture, gesticulate
Has types hyperextend
Type Words
Synonyms endure, go, hold up, last, live, live on, survive
Has types live out, hold up, hold water, perennate, stand up
Verb group live, exist, be, survive, subsist
Type Words
Synonyms endure, wear
Type of endure, last
Type Words
Type of hold off, wait, hold back
Derivation holdout