Dutch language

How to pronounce hold in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms contain, take
Type of be
Verb group admit, accommodate, bear, contain, carry

The flask holds one gallon.
Type Words
Synonyms apply, go for
Type of touch on, touch, have to do with, relate, refer, concern, come to, pertain, bear on
Verb group lend oneself, apply

This theory holds for all irrational numbers.
Type Words
Synonyms have, have got
Has types stock, stockpile, carry, keep, sustain, monopolize, hold on, monopolise, bear, maintain, wield, exert
Verb group have, feature
Derivation holding

She holds a Master's degree from Harvard.
Type Words
Synonyms hold up, support, sustain
Has types buoy, bracket, scaffold, shore, shore up, truss, brace, pole, buoy up, prop up, prop, carry, block, underpin, chock
Derivation holder

The beam holds up the roof.
What's holding that mirror?.
Type Words
Synonyms defy, hold up, withstand
Type of stand firm, resist, hold out, withstand
Has types weather, endure, brave, brave out
Type Words
Synonyms custody, detainment, detention
Type of confinement

the prisoner is on hold.
Type Words
Synonyms check, contain, control, curb, hold in, moderate
Type of restrain, keep, hold back, keep back
Has types mortify, bate, catch, abnegate, conquer, counteract, countercheck, crucify, damp, deny, stamp down, subdue, suppress, thermostat, train

hold your tongue.
hold your temper.
Type Words
Synonyms carry
Type of drink, booze, fuddle, hit the bottle

He can hold his liquor.
Type Words
Synonyms arrest, halt
Type of stop
Type Words
Synonyms accommodate, admit
Has types house, sleep, seat
Verb group contain, take

The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people.
Type Words
Synonyms delay, postponement, time lag, wait
Type of suspension, interruption, break, intermission, pause
Has types extension, moratorium, retardation

he ordered a hold in the action.
Type Words
Synonyms take hold
Has types hold tight, interlock, clutch, interlace, clinch, cling to, hold close, grasp, lock, hold on, cradle, trap

A crazy idea took hold of him.
Type Words
Synonyms give, have, make, throw
Type of direct

hold a reception.
Type Words
Synonyms grip, handgrip, handle
Type of appendage
Has types stock, haft, helve, hilt, saddlebow, hoe handle, rake handle, pommel, knob, panhandle, ax handle, mop handle, crop, axe handle, broom handle, broomstick, gunstock
Type Words
Synonyms obtain, prevail
Type of exist, be

This theory still holds.
Type Words
Synonyms defend, guard
Type of protect
Type Words
Synonyms entertain, harbor, harbour, nurse
Type of experience, feel
Type Words
Synonyms confine, constrain, restrain
Type of disable, incapacitate, disenable
Has types pinion, pound, pound up, tie up, impound, ground, enchain, truss, shackle, fold, fetter, pen up, bind, tie down

This holds the local until the express passengers change trains.
Type Words
Synonyms deem, take for, view as
Type of regard, see, view, reckon, consider

hold these truths to be self-evident.
I hold him personally responsible.
Type Words
Synonyms cargo area, cargo deck, cargo hold, storage area
Type of enclosure
Type Words
Synonyms bear
Type of have got, have
Derivation holder
Type Words
Synonyms bear, carry, contain
Type of include
Has types hold in, enclose, confine, retain
Verb group contain, take

The canteen holds fresh water.
Type Words
Synonyms bind, obligate, oblige
Type of relate
Has types tie down, indenture, pledge, indent, article

I'll hold you by your promise.
Type Words
Synonyms keep
Type of jail cell, prison cell, cell
Type Words
Synonyms agree, concord, concur
Has types arrange, grant, support, yield, subscribe, patch up, concede, fix up, conciliate, conclude, reconcile, settle, see eye to eye, make up, resolve
Verb group agree

I hold with those who say life is sacred.
Type Words
Synonyms clasp, clench, clutch, clutches, grasp, grip
Type of grasping, taking hold, seizing, prehension
Has types wrestling hold, embracement, embracing, choke hold, chokehold, embrace

she kept a firm hold on the railing.
Type Words
Synonyms hold back, keep back, retain
Type of keep, hold on
Has types hold down
Derivation holding
Type Words
Synonyms keep, maintain
Has types conserve, continue, pressurize, housekeep, carry on, hold over, uphold, distance, bear on, preserve, pressurise

hold in place.
Type Words
Synonyms bear, carry
Has types piggyback, acquit, balance, bear, behave, carry, comport, conduct, deport, poise, sling, stoop

She holds her head high.
Type Words
Synonyms adjudge, declare
Type of judge, pass judgment, evaluate
Has types pronounce, beatify, canonize, canonise, cancel, saint, call, label, admit, superannuate, acknowledge, formalize, bastardise, bastardize, certify, formalise, judge, strike down
Type Words
Synonyms appreciation, grasp
Type of understanding, apprehension, discernment, savvy
Has types sense
Type Words
Synonyms book, reserve
Type of ask for, request, quest, call for, bespeak
Has types save, keep, hold open, keep open
Verb group reserve

please hold a table at Maxim's.
Type Words
Type of train, aim, take, take aim, direct
Type Words
Type of avow, assert, verify, swear, aver, swan, affirm
Verb group view as, take for, deem

Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good.
Type Words
Type of stronghold, fastness
Type Words
Type of cover

hold one's nose.
Type Words
Type of be

The novel holds many surprises.
The book holds in store much valuable advise.
Type Words
Type of enamour, enchant, entrance, becharm, captivate, capture, catch, bewitch, beguile, trance, enamor, charm, fascinate

She can hold an audience spellbound.
Type Words
Type of prevent, keep
Type Words
Type of hold back, keep, restrain, keep back

hold your breath.
Type Words
Type of control

he has a hold over them.
Type Words
Type of consider, believe, think, conceive

I hold to these ideas.
Type Words
Type of go on, go along, continue, proceed, keep
Type Words
Type of put off, prorogue, put over, table, hold over, postpone, remit, shelve, set back, defer

hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting.
Type Words
Type of control, command
Verb group defend, guard