Dutch language

How to pronounce hawk in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms mortarboard
Type of board
Type Words
Synonyms war hawk
Type of warmonger, militarist
Type Words
Synonyms huckster, monger, peddle, pitch, vend
Type of sell, deal, trade
Derivation hawker, hawking
Type Words
Synonyms clear the throat
Type of cough
Type Words
Type of raptorial bird, bird of prey, raptor
Has types buteo lagopus, buteo lineatus, accipiter cooperii, chicken hawk, cooper's hawk, eyas, falcon, fish eagle, fish hawk, goshawk, harrier, harrier eagle, hen hawk, honey buzzard, kite, osprey, pandion haliaetus, pernis apivorus, red-shouldered hawk, red-tailed hawk, redtail, rough-legged hawk, roughleg, sea eagle, short-toed eagle, sparrow hawk, tercel, tercelet, tiercel, buteonine, accipiter gentilis, accipiter nisus, blue darter, buzzard, buteo buteo, buteo jamaicensis
Type Words
Type of hunt down, hunt, run, track down
Derivation hawker

the tribes like to hawk in the desert.