Dutch language

How to pronounce hang in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms fall, flow

This dress hangs well.
Type Words
Synonyms advert, attend, give ear, pay heed
Type of listen
Has types fixate
Type Words
Synonyms hang up
Type of fix, secure, fasten
Has types sling, suspend
Derivation hanger, hanging
Type Words
Synonyms bent, knack
Type of talent, gift, endowment, natural endowment

he couldn't get the hang of it.
Type Words
Synonyms cling
Type of hold on, grasp

hang on to your father's hands.
Type Words
Synonyms string up
Type of execute, put to death
Has types halter, gibbet
Derivation hanging

The murderer was hanged on Friday.
Type Words
Type of gymnastic exercise
Has types bent hang, straight hang, inverted hang, lever hang, reverse hang
Type Words

Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum.
Type Words
Type of be
Has types loom, hover, bulk large, brood

This worry hangs on my mind.
The cloud of suspicion hangs over her.
Type Words

This cabinet door doesn't hang right!.
Type Words
Has types swing, beetle, dangle, drop, overhang
Verb group hang up
Derivation hanging
Type Words
Type of ornament, embellish, decorate, grace, adorn, beautify
Derivation hanging
Type Words
Type of drop
Type Words
Type of fasten, secure, fix

hang a door.
Type Words
Type of embarrass, block, hinder, obstruct, stymie, stymy, blockade
Type Words
Type of molder, decompose, rot, moulder

hang the venison for a few days.
Type Words
Type of fit

he adjusted the hang of his coat.
Type Words
Derivation hanging