Dutch language

How to pronounce halt in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms freeze
Type of pause

a halt in the arms race.
Type Words
Synonyms arrest, check, hitch, stay, stop, stoppage
Type of inactivity, inaction, inactiveness
Has types countercheck, logjam

during the halt he got some lunch.
Type Words
Synonyms arrest, hold
Type of stop

halt the presses.
Type Words
Synonyms block, kibosh, stop
Type of foreclose, forestall, prevent, preclude, forbid
Has types embargo, stay
Type Words
Synonyms stanch, staunch, stem
Type of check
Type Words
Synonyms stop
Has types stall, settle, rein in, rein, pull up short, pull up, haul up, go off, draw up, conk, brake, check
Type Words
Synonyms stop
Type of conclusion, ending, finish
Has types stand, standstill, surcease, tie-up, cessation
Type Words
Synonyms crippled, game, gimpy, halting, lame